Animal Crackups

I LOVE animal crackers!  I especially LOVE the Barnum and Bailey red bag of them, YUM!  So when this photo in Parents magazine showed up of a Giraffe eating a little girl’s hair I was reminded first of animal crackers (because I secretly bite off the heads of the animals first before eating the bodies) and second because of all the times we have visited zoo’s and the funny eating adventures that sometimes happen during our trips with the kids or the animals!

I’ll have to fill you in on what I mean by eating adventures because I can only sometimes capture the images on the camera, but hopefully your imagination can fill in the blanks.  Just make sure you sit down with a bag of animal crackers before reading this post!

The boys and I watched these group of penguins being fed by the Zoo staff, and marveled at all the fish they ate!  The boys also marveled at all the POOPING the penguins did after eating their fair share of fish.

See that giraffe behind us?  Do you see him eating?  I swear every time we go to a zoo the animals are eating?!  But you can’t always capture them doing it… let alone on your hair!  This giraffe wasn’t even eating food, he was trying to eat bubbles that were floating around from a nearby kids art project that was happening at the zoo.  It was definitely too hard to see the bubbles in the photo but we watched him trying to eat them for minutes before the zoo staff caught on and ended the bubble-making project in that area.  It probably wasn’t the best thing for a giraffe to eat, but he didn’t get very many… they kept popping before he could get his mouth around them!

This is one of my favorite zoo images because I love Elephants and to watch them eat pumpkins is so cool!  I had to search for this image because the zoo only feeds the elephants pumpkins at one time of year (right after Halloween) so check your local zoo’s website for special feeding dates.

Whatever adventures you find at your local zoo be sure to have your camera ready for those amazing or funny shots that you are guaranteed to have when you put animals, food and kids in the same environment!

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