November always seems in-between the season of fall for me… here in Seattle we have the weather that is half-way between the warm, sunshine of summer and the crisp winds of winter. November sits on the fence transitioning pumpkins from ones of silly or scary jack-o-lanterns to ones of pie for Pilgrims. And this “fence-sitting” has also seemed to fall into place with the big Presidential elections during the first part of this month.

Our family is right on that American fence, half for one party and half for the other (with a couple of libertarians or green parties thrown in for good flavor!) so you can imagine that we have a variety of jokes and serious conversations that have led up to today. But, no matter what people seem to think… we all believe that VOTING is the most important part of all this process and a right we should never take for granted.

This month’s Parents magazine had a couple of different takes on the Presidential election worth taking a look at…

From childish, innocent ideas such as these cute kids toys

To the multi-issue article on mommy’s choices on what they want in a President (this is just a one page wrap up of the entire article)

To a small article and summary of both candidates

But no matter WHO you vote for (for President, Governor, local state representatives, etc.) just make sure you VOTE and excercise your basic American right… just in time to give THANKS at the end of November for that right!